I was watching Christopher Nolan's movie Interstellar when I first stumbled upon this quote, back in 2014. Turns out it's not new, but I haven't seen it before.
It makes total sense to me.
As I've moved away from the belief in God1, I've found myself seeking new sources of meaning and purpose in my life. And finding it “without any burden” is totally a different game. There is no definite answer.
You have to learn, unlearn, and relearn. It’s a slow process. But the more you try to understand the universe and the world’s history, it’s for the better. You can’t learn about the universe in linear methods. it is a non-linear process. Because when you learn, you have to go back and forth to understand it even better.
God is “a” answer. But it’s not the only answer, right?
When we approach a situation with a predetermined answer or mindset, it can limit our ability to explore other possibilities and solutions.
If our perspective and thinking are already shaped by the default answer or belief, it is difficult to consider alternative viewpoints or options.
There is no need to feel threatened when you question your existence or belief. It is good. You are asking questions for the first time, about the things that you don't understand. In this stage, you might face social pressure to fit in. It’s all part of the theory of evolution. I mean the struggle for existence.
It's not about believing in a higher power; it's about believing in our own stability and capacities. This is why I like to stay prepared2, and adapt to circumstances. But, remember, reality can be different. Because there is always a first time, right?
Understanding human nature, humanity, compassion, and a little empathy are all needed to live peacefully. Your morale will be shaped based on these.
I'm open to exploring different philosophies. Right now I’m also doing my part and publishing my ideas and thoughts in the vastness of the internet. Maybe someone is going to look for it in the future. Maybe not. I’m willing to take that chance. This is the best odds I've had in years.
I believe our every action (no matter how small) is opening up countless realities. It may create ripple effects that can influence others in unexpected ways.
Know the differences
Comparing ourselves3 to others can often distract us from our own personal development. I realized that I needed to stop doing that to focus on my journey. You only realize how important it is until you face the differences in each character. There is a difference, even if it is little, like our fingerprints.
I really don’t like the uncertainties and unexpected results in life. But that’s also a part of this. I've had my share of ups and downs, and each time something went wrong, I found an opportunity to prove myself. Sometimes, I just try to move on.
No hard feelings, hatred, and enslaving of humanity. At the end of the day, you only need to prove yourself. Enjoy the autonomy of your life. I’m concluding this blog with a quote from the office character Dwight…
I agree with Brian Cox here.
Some may call it overthinking.
Our desire to fit in.