Mental health is not a Gen Z term. It’s a very serious thing to consider in your life, home, and office. Well, the lack of this may lead to burnout eventually, it’s just a matter of time.
See, it’s different from the ups and downs in life. I have seen some people sarcastically pointing out that it’s just another made-up term for doing nothing. I disagree. I mean, how can they be so naive about something like this? Either, they prefer chaos or they are not ready for a change.
Roller-coaster a.k.a. daily life
Every day we face a lot of things that are going to give us trauma if we are not dealing with it effectively. I’m writing this from my own experience. I kept a lot of things to myself. As a man, I’m saying this; this society (yes, the society where I’m included) doesn't give space for men’s problems. I think some people can relate to this.
Please note that I understand the difficulties that women encounter every single day, even in these modern times. I don't want to overlook or downplay the significance of those challenges in any way. I’m specifically saying this because some people have this behavior of “quoting out of context and calling it a day”.
I used to be very sensitive during my education period. But once I started to earn, I become more aware of how this society is working. Some trauma will never go, it will always pay a visit every now and then. Resulting, in shutting down every connection to keep the balance of my life. This is difficult to explain, so I’m going to leave it at that.
The main problem is that nobody really cares about these issues. So, everyone thinks, why even bother to say it? Also, this is not worth clickbait. But all this leads to a far more dangerous point - toxic influencers!
I know that by 2023, the word “toxic/toxicity” is now a more commonly used clichéd term. But there is no other way of demonstrating it. Anyway, I’ll give you two movie quotes from The Dark Knight.
The Joker: Introduce a little anarchy. Upset the established order, and everything becomes chaos. I'm an agent of chaos.
Alfred Pennyworth: You (the public/society) crossed the line first, sir. You squeezed them, you hammered them to the point of desperation. And in their desperation, they turned to a man they didn't fully understand.
This is what is happening with the toxic influencers!
As a society, we collectively own the responsibility for some people, especially politicians who have repeatedly failed to do their job despite being given chances.
Everything is related to a person’s mental health if you think about it. Also, everything comes with a cost too. Some people deliver more (in the name of hard work) for money by keeping mental health aside. They often think that they can relax or get everything straight after making good savings.
Some people may win in this race, but the majority fails and we will never hear their stories. I think this is the truth that nobody is searching for.
When is the last time someone asked you “So, how are you?” If you can remember it, you are lucky. People, including me, tend to keep all the problems aside or postpone to the event horizon point. Because that’s like a well-balanced…. see the below video.
All it takes is a little push. This is the ultimate fear that everyone keeps everything in the dark point of their mind, so only alcohol can do the magic.
I do have a lot more to write about this topic. And I will write.