Great experience. Completed it in 2 days. I have added it to my “must-watch list every 2 years”.
Based on a real road rage incident.
In this series of ten episodes, we can see, what happens when two burnt-out and depressed people accidentally met on road and then go to the extreme level to fulfill their ego. Eventually, it leads to unexpected consequences for both of them. It basically demonstrates the complex psychology of individuals.
The phrase "have beef" is derived from the idea of having a bone to pick with someone, which means that you want to argue or confront them about something.
The creators subtly talking random politics throughout the series. I believe everyone can see themselves in these two personas. Sometimes people will not get a space to talk about their issues. And then they started to pile up and at one point everything comes out like an old volcano, which will destroy relationships and everything - that is the point when money is just a paper, ohh in this era it’s just a number. You can't solve any issues, but you can hide temporarily with the money and power you have (only if)
I really liked the idea of, how they conveyed titles with paintings for each episode. Camera work is also a piece that needs to be highlighted. Conveying emotions in raw form is a hard task in my opinion. They succeeded in that challenge.
George: You are obsessed with money. That's all you ever talk about.
Amy: George, I didn't grow up the way you did. Okay? You ever notice how it's only people who have money that think money isn't important? The Buddha is only the Buddha because he was a prince first, right? He had stuff to renounce.
Think about the above quote. This type of thought-provoking sequence is filled in this series. Click here to explore some. I decided to watch this series because of the above dialog.
So if you are just randomly looking for “what to watch”, I’d say go for this. It’s totally worth the time.